Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on November 27, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 3 Kislev 5783
Prophetic Message
MY children, MY treasures, you are gems like none other. A dime a dozen! You sparkle in the palms of your BELOVED FATHER YEHOVAH. Ye are what HE holds dear. Fortified with truth has HE made you to endure through tests of time and to always come out more precious, more sparkling every other time! Hallelu YAH! Ye are HIS treasure. HE found you and went and sold everything and came and bought you! Don’t you remember that parable by YESHUA? Yes, HE learnt and heard all things from HIS FATHER.
THE FATHER and THE SON are ONE. ECHAD unto eternity. Majestic and regal, beautiful in splendour unto all eternity! Ye are the gems that sparkle in the courts of The KING. Everyone comes to behold the wonder of the HOLY ONE, BLESSED be HE, and they give HIM glory! HALLELU YAH! They fall before their faces and cry קדוש, קדוש, קדוש [Holy, holy, holy]! Fear grips their soul and they tremble before the HOLY ONE, BLESSED be HE. And they pour glorious worship before HIS Throne of Majesty. Pleasing unto HIM.
The KING is beautified in all you do for HIS glory. Thus, HE has saved you by HIS SON, and does daily save and deliver you. Delighting in you day by day, as HE beholds the growth. The work HE puts in as slowly, yes, but steadily comes to fruition. And soonest, HE shall manifest HIS full works through you. Those which HE ordained from of old through Yochanan HIS prophet, and what’s been laid out in the Holy Scriptures. HALLELU YAH! Give Glory to YEHOVAH GOD MOST HIGH! HE deserves your praise, worship and adoration now and forever more! Amen.
Give glory, give honor to where it is due! Honor HIM, honor the HOLY ONE, The BLESSED ONE forever! HALLELU YAH! Amen.