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Why I DON’T regret following YAHUSHUA! | Heavenly Manna

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Why I DON’T regret following YAHUSHUA! | Heavenly Manna

    O PRECIOUS YAHUSHUA – SAVIOUR, REDEEMER of mankind – THOU hast enraptured me with THY Fair and Undying Love! Enthralled am I by the wonders of THY Beauty. THY Word doth burn brightly within my members, for am I not the temple of THY RUACH HA KODESH? Yea, THOU hast taken me for THINE own and committed me unto the care of the GLORIOUS FATHER. O ABBA YAHUVEH, THOU hast given me Life by calling me forth from the tombs. Yea, driven from society was I by maddening spirits. I had made my abode among the strange rocks.

By reason of my transgressions was I given over for a time. Yet THY SON didst THOU send to find this lost little lamb of THINE. By the POWER of HIS rebuke were the dark shackles made to loose me! The evil spirits were made to, in seven different directions, go out and flee! Filled became I by THY BLESSED SPIRIT HOLY! Back to the wicked did the demons go and caused a great drowning. Now am I led by FAITHFUL IMMA SHKHINYAH GLORY! SHE doth lead me unto the TRUTH and with humility hath crowned me. O BELOVED MOMMA WISDOM, THY Presence is overwhelming!

The Love of the HOLY TRINITY cannot I express in words. My mind faileth to grasp the diction in order to it relate. Yet, True is THEIR Love and Sure is THEIR Grace. O YAH ELOHIM, unto THEE give I ALL PRAISE, HONOR, and GLORY! The flood will not overwhelm though it doth threaten most viciously. THOU wilt not let it drown my soul and neither wilt THOU let the strange fire consume me. THOU art with me in the midst of my trials. THOU art with me in the midst of the furnace.

All they that have thrown me in shall be consumed by their own arrogance. All they that laugh me to scorn shall be delivered unto the lions. THOU wilt not let the servant children of satan trample continually THY holy ones. THY KINGDOM is not mocked, for THOU dost uphold it by THINE Only Begotten SON. HE doth rule with a Rod of Iron and bringeth it upon the necks of the heathens. Come YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, COME! Come and establish in the earth THY Throne. At the Command of the FATHER wilt THOU go forth to catch up THY holy children!

THOU, YAHUSHUA my PRECIOUS MASHIACH, art closer to me than my next breath. THOU dost clothe me so tenderly with THY Robe of Righteousness. Standing in THY NAME can I be accepted in the Sight of the FATHER. HE is Fair and Merciful unto all them that obey THEE. THOU dost desire a people that doth, in SPIRIT and in TRUTH, walk humbly. O may my heart be unto THEE more united!

Forgive me of my wicked transgressions, for I am a lowly sinner. Deliver this poor man from this body of flesh. I repent of my sinful deeds and weep for my transgressions. I weep at the pain that I have inflicted upon THY Heart. THOU didst stretch forth THY Hand for only to feed me. And at times did I turn and dared bite THEE. Truly sorry am I for treating THEE so harshly! Thank YOU for THY mercy and upon me having pity! O where would I be without THY tender-mercies?!

YAHUSHUA, I can feel THEE at my side protecting, overshadowing me. THOU hast not left me, but loved me only. THOU didst pay the price for to cleanse me of iniquity. Upon that Old Rugged Cross didst THOU hang so wretchedly. T’was not pretty what happened on that Hill Calvary. THOU didst bear my sins, obeying the FATHER whole-heartedly. THOU didst die on that Cross for to bring me jubilee. By THY BLOOD am I delivered which fl   owed so freely. ‘Tis with THY grievous stripes that I receive shalom and healing.

O MASHIACH, THOU hast filled my cup to overrunning! Let me not ever of THY SACRIFICE be guilty of spurning! Instead may I the more, unto Heaven, be found turning. THOU art FAITHFUL and THY Goodness forever enduring! THOU art HOLY and THY Blessed Hope, to me, assuring! To THY saints is THY Salvation so fulfilling! THOU hast called us to hearken for the shofar’s sounding. By our obedience to THY Commands are we found unto THY call willing. Let us obey YAHUVEH’S SON, for then in HIS Grace will we be found abounding.

O BLESSED FATHER of lights, THY NAME is a Strong Refuge for THY saints. THY NAME is become my song of delight and Salvation. THOU sentest forth THY SON and in THY NAME did HE come. O earth and ye heavens rejoice, for to HIM was granted resurrection! O ye saints of HIS, be found in diligence unto HIS Word, for soon HE shall return! Then shall we be made to partake of that Blessed Ascension! Let THY Word be made manifest and within our hearts be burned. Unto THEE do we bow, O MOST BLESSED TRINITY, and lay at THY Feet our righteous crowns. May these words be heard by THEE BELOVED ABBA YAHUVEH, FAITHFUL YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, and PRECIOUS IMMAYAH SHKHINYAH GLORY. AMEN do I say, in the NAME of YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH, with humility!!!

Prophet Natan’EL

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