Written by ELIAV Ben EZRA, Inspired by the Holy Spirit RUACH HAKODESH
Received at 5pm on October 15th, 2022 on the year of our LORD, 5783
Prophetic Message
Beautiful FATHER - magnificent
The more I gaze at you, the more I wish If To right the wrongs I've done,
My GOD is Holy and pure, righteousness and enduring
But YOU placed YOUR hand of mercy on my soul ,
YOU HAVE written out a plan for me
To stand, though my heart trembles before You- the One and HOLY GOD Blessed is HE,
The only good shepherd of my life ,
Faithful throughout the ages, Beautiful in all ways
And I speak not just mere words, for the Light of GOD has lit up my soul and path towards righteousness
Why should I care what the whispers of evil speaks..
For I am in the presence of the Holy supreme
I’ve been unworthy...
But the finest Wine you’ve shared with me
The fruit on my lips will be YOUR PRAISE
How can this be? I found you walking ... and saw how your train went undefiled, unstained .
I found you planting trees and saw how your legs wearied not,
But stood as pillars and as a sign for generations to come..
GOD is with us and God has blessed us.
We sing your praise
Exalted one over the mountains and the seas.
Over the rainbow and over the stars.
Over sun , moon and galaxies
Over the Heavens and the planets
There you are , Throne established!
A Creator of beautiful children ,
To be your gems and delightry ,
Come abide under ME
Where you can hide
From generation to Generation, I AM
I AM the 7, I AM the 14
I AM THE Bridegroom, I AM THE KING
Worlds be shaken BY the sight of ME,
I AM the Two, I AM the Three…
Shepherding and gathering MY faithful sheep.
I AM the FRUIT, I AM the Tree
Take a cup of MY Love this Night
Hour glass and Torah clues, Take us on the first train back to you.
Pearly gates are open to,
The honest and upright.
Justice comes, keep pressing on,
With passion and drive
Let heavens flame meet you at the time of transformation.
MY word is true training and hiding you, but never has it forsaken you