Prophecy 428 O YEHOVAH, Is There a Crooked Way YOU Have Not Straightened?
Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on November 17, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 23 Cheshvan 5783
Prophetic Message
HOLY and glorious is the KING exalted on High. Wholly beautiful is HE upon HIS Throne! I your IMMA speak forth. YEHOVAH MY HUSBAND how wonderful YOU are! YOUR Wisdom is matchless! YOUR Knowledge infinite! Who can fathom it? Who can fathom YOU, MY LORD and MY KING? YOUR ways are beyond finding out!
From one end of the sky to the other, YOU have stretched forth the כוכבים [stars]! The moon there among them shining, lighting up the night sky to mark the appointed seasons and times of YOUR appointed feasts. HALLELU YAH! Everything is orderly; ordered according to YOUR Good, good counsel.
O YEHOVAH, is there a crooked way YOU have not straightened? Patiently YOU work YOUR works. YOU are a REDEEMER of time. The SANCTIFIER of all things. YOU redeem and YOU restore. All creation depends on YOU and looks to YOU, O YEHOVAH. They cry out to YOU. The cry of their soul comes to YOU and to YOU only THOU MIGHTY REDEEMER! HALLELU YAH! Give HIM glory all the Earth! HALLELU YAH!
Shalom in your midst, children, shalom in your hearts. YEHOVAH dwelleth with you and in you. HE only is your hiding place; your refuge in time of trouble. Occupy yourself in HIM. HE is your champion. Champion of all champions your FATHER is. Truly more than one in a million!
What a wonderful gift you have, MY beloved children! What a wonder! What a beauty! HALLELU YAH!