Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on January 8, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 27 Tevet 5784
Prophetic Message
When I, YEHOVAH called forth the light, I did not call a star but an Age of light. I called forth an Age of dominions, Kingdoms, realms, and powers of light, and HE came forth as a child from the womb of I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY. I made the light in MY image and HE called ME FATHER. And I said as a face reflects a face, as a FATHER and HIS SON, through the Light I shall be revealed. And through the darkness MY SON, I shall be concealed.
And I divided the light into all things birthed from the light. And I placed MY throne there for though light existed before I, YEHOVAH took a created form, I AM who I AM even without form and I existed before the darkness and the Light. For both proceed forth from MY being. The light cannot exist without the darkness and the darkness without the light for both are of ME, but light is within ME, and darkness lives outside of ME.
Do you see MY children, the wisdom in separating light from the darkness? For so I, YEHOVAH did in the beginning. For the shadow of I, your LORD and CREATOR, speaks of the work in the beginning when I separated light from darkness and created your beings from the light. For the eye was created for light and from light, to the body and soul. Even the nose and the ears draw in light so that one can behold MY form and feel out their CREATOR, I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY in the eye of the mind of the Spirit. Behold the creatures with many eyes for there is more than one way to see.
When MY SON YESHUA spit up on the earth and mixed HIS saliva with the soil and spread it upon the eyes of the blind, more than his two eyes opened. For the Earth and water, represent body and SPIRIT and ye shall see in your new bodies, MY children, the eye I have placed in your hands, foreheads, knees, and various places of your bodies that appear as you see it necessary, as I, YEHOVAH will it to be.
Before I separated the light from the darkness, MY invisible form existed, which none can understand. As thee cannot understand that I AM the Alef (Alpha) and Tav (Omega), so none can understand ME before I began creation.
Oh earth I created the lights in the heavens for you, do you see how special you are? Even the tapestry of the heavens speak of the mysteries of your birth, purpose and rising.
I, YEHOVAH, the ALMIGHTY, AM the knife that cut the light from the darkness. I AM the wall that separates them. I, YEHOVAH alone hold the sword that cuts deep into the fabric of reality for should I remove MY hand of separation, creation as you know it would collide and be undone. For I created two hands to help the other, the right and the left. Ye MY seven, and MY children around this world, are the creation birthed from light, and everything that is seen with the eyes. I birthed creation also from darkness and they live in the darkness.
Creatures that I have made that need no eyes and have a different form for they are of the darkness and yet are good because I, YEHOVAH have said both light and dark are good, the morning and the night, the sun and the moon. I did not say good and evil, but what is of ME is always good. This is why all things work together for good to those who love ME, I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY.