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Prophecy 418 Look to I YEHOVAH and Nothing Shall Be Too Hard for You

Given to Prophet  אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on November 13, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 19 Cheshvan 5783

Prophetic Message


MY mysteries MY children, are for you to be revealed. I have created awesome and beautiful worlds, planets and whole celestial realms. To some I have already taken you on a journey unto. Some I have lifted you off in your sleep, in your dreams and We have soared to worlds unknown! It’s just that, MY children, some, well, most you don’t remember! For it is not yet the time. But I continue to do MY works. I continue to accomplish MY ways in you.

Ye MUST be refined. Ye must be made pure and holy in MY eyes, in every way. For ye are called unto a great calling. But let it not intimidate you. Only look to I, YEHOVAH, your FATHER, to fathom the unsurmountable in your eyes. Look to I, YEHOVAH and nothing shall be too hard for you, too big for you. I accomplish all. I take care of you. Ye are MINE sayeth I, YEHOVAH, your KING – המלך! Hallelu YAH!

I bestow blessings and curses. I bless and uphold; I lift up the humble and the exalted, I bring down from their lofty seats in high places. Be thou MY children not counted among them that are lofty – high minded. Be ye humble before I, YEHOVAH, your FATHER, and in due time I shall exalt thee. But seek ye not to be exalted. Be ye humbled in every aspect of your lives. Working MY word into the whole of your beings. For by MY word only is brought humility unto your beings – every cell of it; nook and cranny.

Humility is the way of all Righteous. Humility is the only way by which I work MY children. The only way you grow in I, YEHOVAH. That’s how you allow for your growth – by humility. Pride only sets you back. It’s a growth inhibitor. Therefore, MY children, knowing MY ways, knowing what I desire and what’s good for you, let’s go forth and grow! Leap from the stalls like calves set free in the morning! Let loose and grow MY children. I AM here for you. Abide in ME. I embrace you; I comfort you.

End of Word

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