Prophecy 413 Worry Not! Fear Not! Fret Not! MY Will You Shall Accomplish!
Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on November 12, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 18 Cheshvan 5783
Prophetic Message
I make all new MY children. I AM the Renewal of all things. The past shall be forgotten before ME and We shall forge ahead on Highways of Truth and Holiness. The past is forgotten before ME. I remember it no more. Neither bring it you to your remembrance. Only the good I give, MY children, should you remember.
Hold on to ME and what I give. Only the good do I give. Good and pleasant memories do I give. These hold onto them. Stay focused on I, YEHOVAH, and neither shall any good I have given lead you astray to idolatry or any other such thing. I love you MY children. I keep you steadfast in ME. I strengthen your arms and feet. I sustain you. I strengthen you. You are one of a kind in ME, yes, I, even I, your FATHER YEHOVAH. Hallelu YAH!
Worry not! Fear not! Fret not! MY will you shall accomplish! You shall do MY will! You shall and are found pleasing unto I, YEHOVAH. Proclaim to the east and to the west MY coming day of Judgment! When all shall quake, all shall stand before I, YEHOVAH, The CREATOR, and answer for all their ways whether good or bad, big or small.
Cleave unto the Mercies of I, YEHOVAH, O Earth that ye may yet be saved! Cleave unto I your ELOHIM while I AM yet readily found! Search ME out, seek for ME now and I shall yet be found. Later, and you may wait a miss! Hallelu YAH! Give glory to YEHOVAH on HIGH! Humble yourselves before I, YEHOVAH, O thou MY footstool! That MY mercies may be remembered before ME and I destroy you not! Hearken unto MY voice this day and ye shall surely be helped! Hallelu YAH! Give glory to I, YEHOVAH, המלך [The KING]! Amen. Selah.