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Prophecy 408 YEHOVAH, Is The Science, The Mathematics of All Things Visible and Invisible

Given to Prophet  אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on November 5, 8, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 12, 14 Cheshvan 5783

Prophetic Message


I rejoice in you, MY beloved children! What father rejoices not in his children? Not ME! I delight in you! For the work that I, YEHOVAH, works in each of you – does not go to waste! Hallelu YAH! Give glory, give honour, splendour and majesty unto the KING, I, THE ETERNAL ONE! Hallelu YAH!

Everything is precious in the eyes of your FATHER, beloved children. HE is tender hearted and very compassionate. HE is most gracious and graceful. HE is attentive to all – for HE cares. HIS care goes deep. HE is the Healer of all. HE is the Curator. The curator of your souls. HE is creation’s curator.

YEHOVAH, your FATHER, is the science, the mathematics of all things visible and invisible. All science is founded in HIM. The weight of every matter has been measured and apportioned according to HIS good counsel. The precise location of every astral object, every celestial being calculated. So that there’s nothing there is, that’s just random – though it may seem to the naked eye.

The exact location and time of your births was preordained for MY purposes and to accomplish MY will ye were born. To endure a lot and to endure to the end have ye been made and been given every provision to accomplish just that. Therefore, trust. Believe I, YEHOVAH. Stay firmly focused upon ME. Let not your gaze be turned unto the right nor the left. Shalom is what you have.

Be ye not as Peter and look to the wind, boisterous, and the waves, mighty, and drown. לא [No]! Stay your gaze, stay your eyes upon YEHOVAH and HIS SON YESHUA, your very BLESSED HOPE! HALLELU YAH! And ye shall overcome leaps! Ye shall do wonders for HIS glory! YEHOVAH shall be glorified in you! YESHUA shall be glorified in you! HALLELU YAH! Take only a step of faith. Look only into MY eyes, I, YEHOVAH, yes, through MY SON YESHUA, your SALVATION. Follow ME, where I lead you. Shall ye ever be strayed? Nay, I say. Shall ye ever be deceived? Nay, I say!

All that is Good is a yea and amen in ME. Yes, I, YEHOVAH! HALLELU YAH! Sing praises to the KING ETERNAL forever! HALLELU YAH! Amen.

End of Word

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