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Prophecy 395 I AM The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever More

Writer: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Given to Prophet  אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on November 1, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 7 Cheshvan 5783

Prophetic Message


Yes, write forth MY Words, the words of the EVERLASTING, YEHOVAH is HIS NAME. I AM Holy; set apart from eons past, present and future. I AM the beginning and I AM the end. With the first I AM HE, and with the last I AM HE. Attain MY shalom beloved children this day. I give you more of MY shalom. That in MY peace you may walk. For in MY peace you get to know who I AM.

In your world of turmoil and twisting, there is nothing stable and you cannot know who I AM. For you are tossed about as the waves of the sea. See, but I change not. I AM the same yesterday, today and forever more. But in your world, as a wave are ye MY children, tossed about – to and fro. But MY peace, you attain, by standing firm in ME, on who I AM, who I say I AM. And the storm quietens down. It stills before you. And you see clear. You are able to comprehend. Fear is not clouding your mind. Your will is not in the way. You become one with your CREATOR and all things are given over to you for MY glory alone.

I hold aloof from all forms of pride. I hold aloof from wickedness, from the hard of heart, the obstinate. But I do show mercy. I do constantly extend MY Hand of Mercy. I reach out to you children first and to the world. I reach out and take you out of your filth. I clean you up. I remove the scales from your eyes that you may see clear. See as I your FATHER, Awesome and BELOVED, YEHOVAH, sees.

I only behold in beauty. Haven’t you yet seen it MY children, how I AM with you? Always a fresh breath of purity of thought and of mind. And I give you the same today. I teach you MY good ways, that I AM indeed absolutely GOOD! Hallelu YAH! I show you that I AM indeed absolutely GOOD, GREAT! Hallelu YAH! Amen.


Meditate on these MY words and always meditate on MY words. For they go deeper than a morsel of bread, deeper than a drink of water. It quenches the thirst of your souls. MY word is food indeed. I AM real drink, real food. Feed on ME and be ye filled. Feed on the riches of thy Precious FATHER YEHOVAH and live! Hallelu YAH!

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