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Prophecy 388 I YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY say surely I made the universes with MY Right and Left hands

Given to Prophet  שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on January 1, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 20 Tevet, 5784

Prophetic Message


I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY say surely I made the universes with MY right and left hands. The fires of the sun I made to give light, that which is an inferno of consuming flames. I made the fires of the sun with MY right hand and I made its chains, that is the gravitational force with MY left hand. With MY right hand, by the sun I preserve life even the smallest of plants upon the earth and with MY left I made it a prison house for the wicked. 

It is even as I have made you, MY people around this world. I made it so that your right hand and left hand would bring perfect balance to any work you engage in. To hold objects, to push, to cut, to run, to swim and also that one should serve the other. For light is greater than the darkness, the day greater than the night and the sun greater than the moon. As the sun goes to rest, the moon shines her light till her beloved should return.

These are only the very beginnings of what I shall reveal to thee. 

I saw a vision of a Phoenix flying in the darkness. 

The Phoenix is the first bird that I YEHOVAH have created therefore I have given the Phoenix the preeminence of resurrection from the ashes. I made the Phoenix to fly about in the dark over the waters when I begun creating for the Phoenixes have transformed but not by way of evil such as the doctrine that things change and increase without the hand of the CREATOR. But I, YEHOVAH transformed these Phoenixes into MY image and gave them a face like MINE. 

Phoenixes rise from the ashes as the ashes represent the darkness where I made them to shine MY light. In outer darkness is the place of great ice and cold, and they brought MY warmth and light. Hot, I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY made them and they burn before MY throne. 

I spread darkness around ME, I YEHOVAH, as it was in the beginning. For I took a form and gave meaning to all things, and conceived and birth the meaning of a shape, what is above and below, what is inside and what is outside, and when I took a shape I made the darkness to exist outside MY being, and the light inside of ME, therefore I called forth the Light, that the light should stand beside HIS brother, the darkness. The darkness existed outside of MY created form therefore it is the outer darkness. And I made the darkness to become a terror to the wicked should they find themselves outside of ME. 

From within I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY come the consuming flames, and it is from within ME that I brought forth the Phoenixes. There are ice beings who were cursed with a curse, the curse of the ice that existed within the darkness. Ever cold, bitter cold and never able to get warm even by the warmth of the sun. So they hate the sun for they have no part in it. They would rather the world be covered in snow and that the clouds would cover the sun forever. Light and warmth is a torment to them. 

How great a blessing I YEHOVAH give thee oh world, to see and experience the light of the sun. 

End of Word

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