Prophecy 387 For I YEHOVAH AM the End of All ThingsThat Are Not of ME
Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on December 30, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 18 Tevet, 5784
Prophetic Message
I see a vision of reconstruction to a city. Roads are being dug up, highways being changed, buildings are being bulldozed.
The Heavens are already in reconstruction. I, YEHOVAH make all things new but why do you think MY people that I will begin to make new things only at the end and not begin now? Did not I YESHUA say that the temple was already in construction and I AM the chief cornerstone? I said that everyone who wishes to be a part of the new work of MY FATHER must calculate the cost to see if you can be a part of the finished work.
The enemies of your souls, the powers of darkness cry out in anger, rage and grief because they see the work of I, YEHOVAH in the Heavenlies making new things to MY glory and they will have no part in it. When I conquer a realm I do not wait to turn the rubble into a territory for MY glory. Yes I YEHOVAH capture dark realms and make them realms of light and I lead the prisoners off to MY prisons to be tortured and tormented until the day of consuming wrath. Don't you see MY children around this world, the powers of darkness fight for their lives, their eternal souls. For with each defeat, all their hope is destroyed, their lives have come to an end. For I, YEHOVAH AM the end of all things that are not of ME.
One of the 24 Elders speaks:
How blessed are the children of the LORD YEHOVAH that your names are written in the Book of Life. The LORD YEHOVAH asks you the question, world of man, what doest thou? You go up and down, to and fro but your names are written in the book of the dead, is that what you want mankind? For only a few in the world today and all of Earth’s history will rejoice on the final day.
The LORD YEHOVAH speaks:
Hear ye the still small voice, but I YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY say the voice is only small because of the noise around you, MY children. YEHOVAH quiet the soul, and I open thy ears, MY children to incline.
For there is a darkness I YEHOVAH have put around ME, to protect those before ME as well to punish the wicked. I shall show this world a greater darkness, the darkness in the beginning before I separated it from the Light. I shall clothe them in it for MY darkness which is around ME and not in ME, and it shall fight against their darkness and consume them. An eye for eye is it not? Oh merciless mankind. Light in the eye is MY mercies that come forth therefore you have the light of the sun when I renew MY mercies every morning. The sun is as the eye is it not? A destination of destruction for the wicked and yet the light of your way in the morning.