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Prophecy 385  I YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY’s Weapons

Given to Prophet  שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on December 27, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 15 Tevet, 5784

Prophetic Message


World War 3 concerns all of heaven for think not oh man that sheol will not expand for you, even hell makes preparations for the dead. In hell are also many rooms. Sheol makes preparations for the dead that are coming and the powers that rule there, look eagerly to shout of bombs falling upon the heads of men and women. 

Those who have sought to save their lives, Bill Gates being one of them, shall loose it for it will not be the weapons of man but I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY’s weapons that destroy thee. Thou knowest not, oh man, the sorrows that grip the powerful in this world. Thou wantest not their lives for money cannot buy joy and peace, and certainly not eternal life. Riches may prolong a man's life but not grant them eternal life. And what does it profit a man for the covenant of death binds them.

Thou shall have work in the place of the dead, thou, MY children. For to them, the message of the Kingdom of I, your LORD YEHOVAH shall also be brought throughout eternity. You shall reveal the Conquering crown that I wear and shall wear, MY victories, and the greatness of MY Kingdom, ever growing, ever expanding. They wanted knowledge not that they should live but knowledge that would lead to death, and so I shall give it to them. For I created the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life, and at the right time I purposed for all to eat from both and live. But the  circumstance of this Age prevents this. 

They shall be also put to forced labor for I will continue slavery but they shall be slaves of war, and they shall mine the hills of gold and precious stone and mysteries in whichever planet, galaxy, or realms I send them. For in these hills are the wealth of the righteous also stored. It shall serve to torment the slaves for I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY transfer the wealth of the wicked into the hands of the righteous forever. They shall go from the fire, to forced labor, to the judgments of the winds, and the lightning, to the fire, to the judgments of the realms of darkness. Thou cannot comprehend how I shall judge thee oh mankind for what you have done on the earth. For what you have done to MY SON YESHUA and to mankind who is like yourself in your making. 

Thou cannot comprehend oh MY people the joys that wait for thee. For a little while, I YEHOVAH sent thee to earth to wage war. When the weapons of man are aimed at thee, call upon ME and I shall show thee the higher war. For men knoweth not they are but puppets and there are strings attached to their every movement. Their arms, their legs, their mouths, their tongues, their fingers and toes all have strings for they cannot comprehend the powers of darkness that control them. 

For the promise remains to thee. I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY and I, YESHUA shall give thee rest, holy ones.  For what is MINE, is what MY FATHER YEHOVAH has given ME, I, YESHUA say THOU, OH LORD and MY GOD, MY FATHER, YOU are MY great inheritance for in YOU I YESHUA AM complete for YOU fill MY cup to overflow. In the cup YOU gave ME at the cross, had in it the double edged sword. I tasted death and descended into hell to bring many to YOU but YOU, MY GOD, have made MY joy complete. In YOU, MY FATHER YEHOVAH, are MY Salvation. 

End of Word

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