Prophecy 366 YEHOVAH Has Appointed Times of Festive Rejoicing Before HIM!
Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on October 13-14, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 19 Tishrei, 5783
Prophetic Message
Rejoice and again I say Rejoice! For this is the day that the LORD YEHOVAH has made to be glad and rejoice in HIM! Everyday should be a banquet feast unto the LORD YEHOVAH! For HE is Great and Greatly to be Praised! Serve YEHOVAH, THE HOLY ONE, upon the lily and the harp. Sing sweet melodious songs unto THE KING, אדוני אל עליון [ADONAI EL ELYON – THE LORD MOST-HIGH! Shout for joy all ye nations! For HE has ransomed a remnant among the peoples! HE has wrought great Salvation! Shout for Joy for this is the season for Rejoicing before the HOLY ONE, BLESSED is HE!
רוקדים [Dance]
move your feet to the Glory of the HOLY ONE, BLESSED is HE! YEHOVAH has appointed times of festive rejoicing before HIM!
That the nations, not only עם ישראל [am Yisrael – the nation of Yisrael] may know that HE alone is ELOHIM, and HE alone Saves! That perhaps they may seek HIM who made them and get to know HIM through HIS Torah. That they may see the world through HIS eyes and sanctify YEHOVAH in all their hearts and lives!
YEHOVAH has ordained great rejoicing in the hearts of men and women. But they have chosen the darkness of the present age instead, and thus with it the sadness, the sorrow, confusion, fear and misfortune from the left and from the right. And MY LIGHT [YESHUA] came, yea, it descended down unto them, but they chose it not, why? They loved the darkness and not the LIGHT. Else, they would’ve turned and I would’ve redeemed all the souls of men of the Earth!
But MY grace for you, MY children, is sufficient in all things. Trust upon MY bosom and you shall accomplish all MY works. You shall have a heart after MINE own Heart. You shall be imbued with power from on High – MY THRONE of Mercy and Grace. You shall fulfil MY good and perfect will for this Earth. Souls shall be redeemed; many shall be saved! Many shall be brought into MY saving arms and still many others shall drink of MY Judgments to the staggering! Yet in all, I shall be beautified! In all, I shall be glorified! HALLELU YAH!