Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on August 18, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 5783
Prophetic Message
Be as the animal in faith, children of the LORD YEHOVAH for they trust from the moment they open their eyes to when they lie down to sleep again. For do they not know who provides them their food? It is the FATHER LORD YEHOVAH and HE uses mankind to labor as HIS hands. LORD YESHUA spoke well of the sparrow how she lives her life, trusting in the LORD YEHOVAH daily for her provision, guidance and protection until the day she lays her life down and returns to the skies of Heaven.
Think not there is one soul that will not give account for its life for the animal has soul does it not? Even the rock and metal in the earth give an account, for they are silent witnesses. Know this, where the SPIRIT of LORD YEHOVAH is there is life so think not thyselves wise.
For in the Heavens therein is nothing that has not life. Disney only tries to mimic the magic and life of the Heavenlies.
There are more mysterious animals to behold Children of LORD YEHOVAH. For the animals on earth bring forth after their kind and the ones in the Heavens bring forth after their kind. Do you think giving birth is only on earth? For the LORD YEHOVAH said that HE will work on earth as it is Heaven.
For in the beginning Adam and Eve were heavenly souls able to pass between heaven and earth as walking through a curtain. Did not the sons of GOD not have reproductive parts while living a heavenly life? Not all their children followed after the ones that fell as in the days of Korah, the children did not follow after his rebellion. Just as you people of the LORD YEHOVAH are required to follow after the LORD YEHOVAH and HIS SON YESHUA.
The animal also represents the wisdom of the FATHER for HE said HE would catch the crafty in their craftiness and confound the wise by that which they consider foolish.
Blessed be the name of the LORD YEHOVAH and the greatness of HIS wisdom.
One of the 24 Elders speaks:
The Joy of the FATHER, LORD is life giving waters unto the weary soul and is the prosperity of the nations. For when Abraham drew his knife to slaughter Isaac, the LORD YEHOVAH plunged his knife into the serpent who represented the curse upon the nations of the world. That through Avraham they would become blessed.
Kiss the SON YESHUA and the LORD YEHOVAH’s wrath will turn. Kiss your brother who the SON YESHUA dwells within and invoke the sympathy and compassion of LORD YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY who looks upon the weakness of man.
The strongman, HE binds and plunges his house of all owns so be not strong in thine own eyes oh man, Set the table for ME for I YEHOVAH am thy honored guest to dine with thee in thy heart and mind, oh man.
For I will leave within thy soul wealth beyond wealth and give thee an inheritance your fathers could never leave thee for they possess no such wealth.