Given to Prophet חנוך בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on November 18, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 5783
Prophetic Message
Israel, oh Israel, get ready for the alignment. This is not something you want to miss. Selah. The alignment happens once in a life time. This is an alignment of ages. The stars are aligning in such a way. Watch the planetary motions. The interplanetary motion. The wheels are turning. Where are you, oh Israel. Are you mired in the traditions of men? Do you put stumbling blocks before the people? What are you doing? Put not your hands to the plow with the nations. You have been called up higher. Selah.
The Ascension Road is yours. Will you travel the road traveled by your forefathers? Will you travel the road of rebellion? Wide is that path but follow the ancient path. Turn ye your souls back to the ancient way. Lift up your eyes now. See the hope of glory. Fix your eyes upon GOD. And do not cast your gaze on the side. Selah.
YESHUA is your hope of glory. Trust in HIM, oh Israel. Follow not the ways of the world, for this has blinded you. Allow ME I, YEHOVAH, to heal you, to open your eyes! Hear ME! I AM here to save you, but will you let ME GOD ALMIGHTY it is your choice. Many will perish in the days ahead. It will not be business as usual. You will have to adapt. You will have to learn. You will have to unlearn, for many bad habits have you incurred upon yourselves.
Do you invite ME to your Situation Rooms? Do you invite ME to give you strategy or do you lean upon your own understanding? Selah. Think carefully. Where is the humility in the military? Do you mention ME in your news conferences? Do you give ME I, YEHOVAH, the glory? Just who are you fighting for? Or against? Do not fight ME, oh Israel. Do not wrestle ME! Submit! Allow ME to deliver you!
There is coming a man. Do not trust him. He will move you with his words, but his words are pure filth before ME. He will appear to be for you at first, but that is to lull you into slumber. He will appear to the savior of the world and the world will accept him because the world is not of ME I, YEHOVAH. Be warned!
He will introduce new technologies but test the spirit that speaks. Test the spirit that gives these gifts. What is his purpose? Why does he give so willingly? Think. Test him according to the Torah and you will see. Not every gift is to be accepted. Would you accept a bribe? Do I bribe MY people? Watch out for the technologies he introduces. Do not accept them. Selah.