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Prophecy 341 For Soon I YEHOVAH and I YESHUA Shall Gather the Holy Into One place

Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on June 29, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 5783

Prophetic Message



The Messenger you saw carrying the light in his hand, His name is hidden, but he is called the Pearl of the sun. And the snowflake form of light that enwrapped him speaks of the power given him for he was the King I used to bring about an ice age upon the world. Quiet is His works but mighty because I have called him.

The light he delivered was a message. For soon I YEHOVAH and I YESHUA shall gather the Holy into one place and you will see how little there are in this world truly. That place is the house of YEHOVAH where HE rules and reigns, saith I YESHUA. They shall be gathered and the unrighteous will hope in themselves as they believe hope is to see and not to believe. Suddenly they shall realize the true Holy remnant of mankind is no longer among them. And then the LORD YEHOVAH shall launch against the wicked like a lion for the prey, having being hidden by tall grass. Their money shall fail them, the gold will fail.

Dark clouds shall gather over them and as in the days of Egypt, the children of Israel shall have light and the Egyptians shall have a plague of darkness for the LORD YEHOVAH, MY FATHER shall cover them with it.

See how Important are your prayers for all of children of LORD YEHOVAH.

One of the 24 Elders speaks:

Beauty is not found, beauty is made. For the LORD YEHOVAH, first created beauty. It is for YOUR glory for YOU to take that which is not and make it beautiful for thou art, LORD YEHOVAJ, knoweth true beauty comes only from within YOU. YOU, LORD, painted the beasts of Heaven and Earth with their colors and created beauty in sound. YOU held the power of chaos like the stronger man in battle and LORD YEHOVAH, YOU tamed the beast and brought forth the beauty of order. Even the creation of music, first begun with the war against Chaos. Reveal to US more of the power of THY Light for WE are drawn to YOUR Light every day for YOU make US hunger for you and long to see the form of THY face.

End of Word

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