Prophecy 297 Why Should You Fear If YEHOVAH, The HOLY ONE Blessed Is HE, Is with You?
Updated: Oct 23, 2023
Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on 21st September, 2022 on the year of our LORD 5782, 25th of Elul
Prophetic Message
Righteousness befits המלך [HAMELECH – THE KING]! Enthroned upon the Highest THRONE is HE. Righteousness abounds before HIM. Righteousness and Justice are the foundations of HIS Throne. Whereupon shall you be founded my children? If not ye be embraced and established inside YEHOVAH your GOODLY FATHER?
Outside of HIM nothing good lies; nothing good is found! It is but a void of darkness and gnashing of teeth. Where ye are cut-off from THE LIFE of ELOHIM. Cut off from ELOHIM completely. Cherish the Light of your FATHER and dwell in it. Let it light up your souls, your hearts and dissipate the darkness where evil dwells. Where fear and pride and every foul thing has found a home – a place to hide
If YEHOVAH is for you who can be against you? Why should you fear if YEHOVAH, the HOLY ONE Blessed is HE, is with you? Why should ye be consumed with despair? A dark cloud hanging over your heads and hearts? Shall warmness be found in your hearts? Or shall be it cold? Shall you find mercy therein for your brother, for your neighbour?
Yea I say, let MY light bring warmth to your hearts! Be ye hot for ME! That you may have love for your neighbour and for yourself. That you may always find Mercy before ME. That Grace may always be poured out to you from MY Throne! That you may flourish and not wither! That you may be clothed with MY countenance and counsel! Shalom, I say shalom! MY shalom! Obtain MY Shalom, for freely have I given it thee MY beloved children.
Be adorned in your FATHER’S garments and not in your own. Adorn your FATHER with the praises due HIM. Do as it pleases HIM, and this is a great offering before HIS throne of Mercy and Grace.