Given to Prophet ציונה בת עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on 8th October, 2023 on the year of our LORD 5784, 23rd of Tishrei
Prophetic Message
This word is received due to the recent attack Israel suffered from Hamas.
I called forth a repentance season, and is this what I get? A nation against another? Yet I do not call you Palestinians, a nation or a country. I shall annihilate every single hand that reached out against Israel in harm. Their (terroist) destiny will be better if they have not been born! Palestinian, your belief is wrong. Your morals are corrupted. I shall crush all your bones and cause diseases to oveflow. The street shall flow with blood up to the horse's bridle. O Jerusalem's prophecy shall be satisfied! A deliverance shall come within Israel, and HIS NAME is YEHOVAH. Selah!
O Israel, I YEHOVAH shall set a table for you before thy enemies. These Palestinians you see today shall be no more. For I YEHOVAH have given a cause to annihilate them. They are spiritually dead. Having no chances of salvation. For they have touched the Apple of MY eye. I have given Israel a great mercy. Be holy, be holy, be holy! Only when you do so will stop the hand of Satan reaching out against you. He knows how important MY Israel meant to ME. I birthed her with pain, and with much travail. I have caused her to be great!
O USA, I turn to you. You hold your hands back and see Israel suffer. Were you not supposed to be your sister's keeper? Yet you have caused Israel to fight for her own battles many times. All the nations that do not stand with Israel right now in this war shall be cursed! Selah! I shall avenge on this day, amen.