Prophecy 244 I YEHOVAH AM your victory, MY children
Updated: Oct 28, 2023
Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on March 23, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, 5783
Prophetic Message
To be a friend of men, of mankind, is to be a lover of MY children, you become a friend of ELOHIM, I YEHOVAH. I YESHUA was a true friend to many but they recognized it not. Oh how I love the soul of a man! I gave MY life for theirs and I rewarded men with the eternal life of MY FATHER YEHOVAH. Your FATHER YEHOVAH, OUR FATHER is greatly to be praised.
The Lord YEHOVAH and One of the 24 Elders Speak:
I YEHOVAH AM your victory, MY children. Your FATHER YEHOVAH is the wealth of the knowledge of life. There are many things to know but the knowledge of life is found within the singleness of your walk with the LORD YEHOVAH. To be busy about HIS work, and HIS commands, no matter how small, there is knowledge there to be gained. The more you give yourself in simplicity to the FATHER’s business the more you shall each know to do it, to perform HIS works and take care of the burden HE given each of you, people of GOD. This is knowledge of life, walk in singleness before the face of your FATHER YEHOVAH, OUR LORD and ELOHIM.
The Lord YEHOVAH and One of the 24 Elders Speak:
Offer your best, MY people. As Able (son of Adam) offered his best and was eager to give to the LORD YEHOVAH, do the same with all that you do and say. For the meaning of every work underneath sun that it should serve the LORD YEHOVAH and HIS SON YESHUA and bring THEM glory. Prepare your hearts to serve the FATHER YEHOVAH and therefore every work of service shall be lacking nothing and good offering you will make. Before the priests made an offered to LORD YEHOVAH, it was prepared and then laid upon the altar and was made acceptable. Do the same good children of GOD. Let the sweet aromas go up.
Oh LORD protector of the Heavenly realms, LORD YEHOVH ALMIGHTY, YOUR eyes never leave YOUR creation upon whom YOU have compassion, great compassion. YOUR people sit quietly within YOUR gardens because YOU sit securely upon YOUR throne, listening and answering and yet needing none. For the sake of YOUR creation YOU leave them an example of how to live that they may eternally live. YOU open YOUR heart so that hearts may turn to YOU. For the word YOU have spoken will return to YOU for YOU are the gravity that draws men, women, creatures nigh to YOU, LORD YEHOVAH. Great are YOUR everlasting mercies.