Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honour & Glory of ELOHIM (GOD) in Heaven
Received on 18th June, 2022 night, in the year of our LORD 5782, 20th of Sivan
Prophetic Message
Worship I, YEHOVAH, in Spirit and Truth. Be established in the Truth. Walk in the Spirit and you will not, you shan’t fulfil the desires of the flesh. Walk in the Spirit and know I your FATHER YEHOVAH.
Walk in the Spirit and all things shall flow. I do not condemn you MY children. When you were lost, I came and saved you through MY SON YESHUA. MY love for you is everlasting, it’s transcendent. Transcends through time.
I love you MY children. Be rest assured in this. If GOD is for you, who can surely be against you? Walk in the ways of I your FATHER YEHOVAH. I love you MY children, I surely do. And nothing, I mean NOTHING can separate you from MY love. NOTHING! Not death, not life, neither the present nor the future, nor fear, nor worry, nor high nor low, neither earth nor Heaven. For surely MY love is STRONGER than death, greater than the grave. I have you MY children in the palm of MY hands and no one can snatch you from MY hands.
I love you MY children, I surely do.
Keep your minds focused, in remembrance of ME, and your perspectives right. See through MY eyes. Eyes of light. For if the eye you see through is dark then how dark is your body?