Given to Prophet שלמה for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on February 25, 2025 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 27 Shevat 5785
Prophetic Message
Great are YOUR works, MY GLORIOUS HUSBAND, YEHOVAH. YOU multiply fish and bread, as the human cell, when YOU create within the womb. The miracle of creation, yea the CREATOR shall testify of HIS works of old and new. THOU art MOST HIGH. By YOUR love, MY HUSBAND YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY, and YOUR display of love for man and beast, and all things made, YOU give the greatest testimony of YOUR word, that “YOU so loved the world”. The CREATOR alone loves as YOU do, THOU art lover of souls. THOU art MOST HIGH.
The battlefields of war between Ukraine and Russia, cry out to YOU, MOST HIGH YEHOVAH. Yea, OUR people, the soldier that dies in battle, are brought before Heavenly war courts for they must be judged differently. Their affairs are not the affairs of civilians, and their sacrifice is not simply forgotten nor is their blood spilt in vain. The Heavenly war courts have judges consumed in mercy and grace for the price of a soldier is remembered.
Did not OUR SON YESHUA say that in all Israel, HE did not find a man like the soldier who believed that OUR SON YESHUA would heal his servant without going to his house?