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Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Given to Prophet שלמה for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on January 10, 2025 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 10 Tevet 5785

Prophetic Message


MY glorious HUSBAND and LORD YEHOVAH THY wisdom is Great And Your Counsels are but Prophecies of THY HOLY SPIRIT. For YOU speak and it shall come to pass. Creation is the train of THY Robes, they follow behind YOU, revealing the glory THY steps but concealing THY back lest YOU turn to reveal by the Light of YOUR Face. 

THOU, MY KING, taught OUR SON YESHUA to engage in business for this is least taught and understood about his walk among men. Oh OUR children around this world, did not YESHUA sit with tax collectors? What communications and conversions do you think HE had with these business men? Did not the pharisees overhear his Conversations and judged him that he was sitting and speaking with tax collectors? Realize HIS spiritual eyes never left HIS FATHER, YEHOVAH the ALMIGHTY for HE understood the ultimate purpose and that was to bring HIS FATHER'S Salvation. 


Yea the end times concern the battle for knowledge for I told thee, MY people, in the final days, knowledge would increase. Did I, YEHOVAH not say that thy weapons of warfare are not carnal but are mighty in ME to cast down all knowledge that exalts itself above MY knowledge? Do you behold the vision of the garden, the pivotal moment of life and Death where Eve was tempted to gain knowledge from the forbidden tree at that time? I will make all things new. 

Do you see why I have raised a man like Donald Trump in these final days? Underestimate not the rise of ungodly women and their voices that had been heard so keenly in the world today. Underestimate it not for it was through the woman first death entered the world. When they chanted the rise of the first woman President, Kamala Harris, she would have surely brought death upon billions of people. In the Trump presidency, I, YEHOVAH, because of MY mercy will not allow the woman to rise even in his own cabinet. For surely government is meant to represent I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY AM. I built Adam as I create a tool, specific, that is with purpose, meaning and intention to accomplish MY will. I did not make Eve to rule. Yea I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY say surely and truly, all and I say again all ungodly women and unchosen women that rise in this World, having even some knowledge and ability to rule is because Eve ate of the fruit first. This has never been MY will. 

Did not The King and his Princes during the time of Esther have to discuss what to do with Queen Vashti when she publicly violated the order of the King and held tight to her arrogance? They realized that such an act would destroy every home in the empire, so I, YEHOVAH had her banished. 

I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY AM doing the same again through Donald Trump. Yea this is not a loud voice in the media as it was before but MY works today and when Trump enters the Presidency is to restore the order of the home worldwide. The Father rules,  even as I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY rule over MY house, yea over MY Kingdom. 

Thou shalt see great mercy fall upon the black communities of the world. The spirit of the serpent is found in the tongues of many women of the black communities shall be bound for a season. And many shall seek to know the beauty of marriage. 

Yea the rise of women and the homosexual spirit work hand in hand. Was it not the seed of Cush that was cursed because of the ungodly act he performed upon his Father Noah? Yea behold the black communities today where the woman rose as head of household And the children grow up lovers of their own gender.

End of Word

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