Given to Prophet שלמה for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on January 17, 2025 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 17 Tevet 5785
Prophetic Message
When MY SON YESHUA said, the hour has come, this was not without MY orchestrating and aligning the stars of heaven. Even as planets revolve Around the sun, there are others stars which follow a different pattern of movement and made to align with the hours of the planets, especially the hours of Earth. Yea they form an image in the heavens for hours are measured by I, YEHOVAH's purpose and love and not simply by numbers. That is to say, oh man, that time is more significant than the 24 hour clock.
Eternity is the revolution of all stars, yea all creation around I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY, the First SUN, the SUN of the Righteousness of Creation, the right to exist before ME and Salvation of the Creation who choose ME. Can creation complete the revolution around the ONE who was, who is and who is to come, the ALMIGHTY? Neigh, thus Eternity, it is an eternal revolution, therefore in MY mercy I turn MY face towards MY creation and giveth her life and light and movement. I AM the first Star, and the first compass for I direct MY Light, therefore the MAKER of LIGHT AND DARKNESS, MY SONS. I AM the FIRST MOVEMENT, and I cause the force of gravity to pull throughout creation.