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Prophecy 571 I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY speak unto thee oh Nineveh

Given to Prophet שלמה for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on December 9, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 5784

Prophetic Message


I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY speak unto thee oh Nineveh, for America and Nineveh share the same testimony. Destruction stood at her gates, and most Americans would be lying in their graves or dead on the streets if I had not shown mercy. For as the King rose and cried out for mercy upon Ninevah, and implemented laws to eradicate the swamp in government at that time, so has Donald Trump. And I gave her time to turn to righteousness and rejoice in the dew and blessing of I, YEHOVAH’'s hand. 

Why did I send Yonah to Nineveh out of all nations? Why did I want to show mercy? Because they were prosperous? Neigh, they became prosperous because they also had a history of love for Israel and protected her from her enemies. But in time became corrupted by evil men and women in their government. There is nothing new underneath the sun for time is indeed a wheel but wheel within a wheel, until I unmount this merkavah and sit to judge the whole Creation upon I, YEHOVAH's glorious Throne. 

America, I, YEHOVAH give thee breath and ye shall help the nations to whom I send Thee to help them breathe also, and yet many shall choke because they cleave not to thee. Even while drowning, they look upon thee and Israel saved upon the plank of MY Salvation and yet they take not your hands to help. All who stand with America will live and other nations who oppose will choke and some die. 

The King of Nineveh was no stranger to the God of Israel, yea even the men that threw Yonah overboard for MY Name became renowned in all the world as I, YEHOVAH AM doing again today. Be ready MY children, up ahead are blessings for MY faithful but also blood shall spill in this world for it is the peace that cometh by the sword.

End of Word

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