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Prophecy 568 YOU Have Painted the Cosmos

Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper

Given to Prophet אברהם for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on January 14, 19, 2023 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 21, 26 Tevet 5783

Prophetic Message


WE bless YOU OUR LORD YEHOVAH as YOU bless us the way YOU bless YOUR children! How wonderful YOU are! How wonderful YOUR love is! Beautiful are YOUR ways! HALLELU YAH! YEHOVAH is majestic, enthroned on High is HIS seat above all.

With YOUR fingers O KING, YOU have painted the cosmos, their beautiful colours! They sing aloud of YOUR Praises! They shout and proclaim YOUR HOLY NAME! They cry out for their KING! All the Universes are Rejoicing! They rejoice! For as part of a body are they, the joy on Earth reverberates throughout the cosmos for YEHOVAH’S GLORY! HALLELU YAH!

Rejoice all ye holy ones! Sing for joy all ye created beings! YEHOVAH endures forever! HE has ordained SALVATION and the day of rejoicing for all those that are HIS. HE sanctifies all who come to HIM for HIS Glory! HE has ordained victory by HIS Right Hand! In HIM is everlasting life and Joy forever more!

O LORD, YOU have stepped atop Earth with Grace and Majesty. Regal are YOU O MIGHTY KING! All shall bow before YOU and acknowledge YOU as KING, ELOHIM, THE SALVATION of All things Living! YOU endure and YOU set the Example. YOUR children are learning to match after YOUR footsteps. They will catch up. YOU give them a little boost in their steps, otherwise they would never catch up. But YOU are the Standard Setter. All match after YOUR Orders. It is YOUR ORDER, YOUR ORDER alone that stands. Every other order set up not of YEHOVAH shall be brought down to ashes. Destroyed!

YOU, O LORD, are forever Triumphant! YOU have stepped atop Earth, to sanctify it, to cleanse it. Yes, it shall be cleansed, it shall be sanctified! It shall be Set-Apart unto YEHOVAH, THE KING! YOU do all things well O LORD. We are forever GRATEFUL for what YOU have done for us, the 24 Elders!

YOU are the Joy that fills All! YOU are the BLESSING upon us All! HALLELU YAH!!!

End of Word

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