Given to Prophet שלמה for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on November 23, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 22 Heshvan 5785
Prophetic Message
A memorial has been written for all those who trusted in I, YEHOVAH to save not only their lives but the world from a global Catastrophe. The sweet taste of victory, I will give thee, MY people, for all ye who admire and stand in awe at the glory of I, YEHOVAH's ways. Vengeance is in MY heart, MY people, for I cannot let these evil ones go free, they who murdered souls and blasphemed MY SPIRIT. Vengeance is in MY heart against the President Of Ukraine for he ignored the desperate cry of his own People to end the war, and brought about the death of millions.
Vengeance is in MY heart against the nations who plotted against Israel. The blood, the blood, the blood cries out to ME, I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY. When I breathed into Adam I gave life to his physical body, to his blood and to his spirit and by these he became a living soul. Even when the spirit departs from a man and his blood is left behind, the blood of the righteous man, I, YEHOVAH speak unto his blood and his blood responds unto its CREATOR, I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY. The blood testifies with loud cries unto ME, and yea MY heart is moved.
Justice is MY hand, vengeance is in MY heart and all power is MINE.