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Prophecy 533 There Is More Than One Wedding

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

Given to Prophet שלמה for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on May 24, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 16 Iyar 5784

Prophetic Message


An inheritance, how little this is spoken of, in this world today. That is because many have not taken heed to the words and warnings of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YEHOVAH. The world passeth but today is the opportunity to store up eternal rewards in Heaven above.

One of the 24 Elders speaks::

I AM the sobriety of mankind for through earthquakes and floods, through storm and hurricane, tornado and tsunami I have been required of the LORD GOD YEHOVAH to use these forces to awaken mankind. 

Even the invitation to the marriage supper of the LAMB and I also say, there is more than one wedding. Do you think there will be only one wedding celebration in the Heavenlies when it is from Heaven that the concept of marriage comes from? Oh churches, it shall be known who is invited and who is not invited. For the Elite among the society of Heaven shall gather, those who were lowly upon the Earth and will be greatly exalted above. The Elites and men and women of great nobility above shall gather. Their names appear already upon the guest list, their rank of Lordship, and they shall be known even as ye oh churches are fully known now. 

Faithful children, your FATHER YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY shall honor thee before a GREAT ASSEMBLY and GREAT shall be thy reward. For ye labor for your FATHER YEHOVAH, and HE shall lift up. 

One of the 24 Elders speaks:

Entire realms have been created and established as unto rooms of a house to contain the expanse and grandeur of the wedding feasts of the FATHER, LORD YEHOVAH. From the foundation of the world, there are Messengers who have done nothing but prepare for these marriages for the work is great in preparing. 

MY GOD YEHOVAH, THOU hast created generations of flowers to be born for that time. THOU hast converted realms of darkness through great bloodshed of the wicked in high places, to be places of rest and reception for YOUR guests. YOU flung their lives away to make way for YOUR will for as YOUR love is GREAT and beyond the comprehension of all men so is YOUR wrath,and so is the value of YOUR will being done. 

The expense of the weddings above, LORD YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY, YOU have already paid the cost from the Great Wealth that is YOURS. The cost of blood and for this reason also, YOU have and had laid YOUR SON upon the altar, and have given YOUR life before all. 

Oh churches, if thou make it to Heaven, for many, no garments have been prepared for you, for it is already in the bodies, clothing the spirit, and bearing witness within thee that thou art invited and room has been made for thee. 

Believe, churches, oh children of GOD. Ye believe in YESHUA? Believe also in the FATHER, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY. None desire for ye to be whole and complete more than the FATHER of All. None has more compassion like Our FATHER. None desires for all to celebrate the wedding feasts and events of Royal marriage as the CREATOR. 

THOU art the GOD of the impossible for all things are possible with THEE, OUR MASTER, YEHOVAH  the ALMIGHTY.

End of Word

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