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Prophecy 525 Let MY WORD Only, The Grip of Your Hearts, Minds and Souls, Get!

Given to Prophet אברהם for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on December 15-17, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 21-23 Kislev 5783

Prophetic Message


I cover you under the shelter of MY wings always. MY guard upon you dear beloved children and upon all those who are MINE, does not loosen. Don’t let despair ever get hold of your souls. Let MY WORD only, the grip of your hearts, minds and souls, get! In ME, in MY WORD ye are secure. Ye have fear of ought! Ye but scoff at fear! But cherish MY LOVE and MY faithfulness do ye alway in your hearts, souls, mind and body!

MY Word is faithfulness. MY Word is Truth. These are strong pillars MY children, ye can rely on. Rest upon them, they will not give in under your weight. They are designed strong! Immovable, unbreakable! Curved into MY arch Design, holding things, everything together. All who trust in ME, in MY SON YESHUA shall never be put to shame!

Curved into your hearts dear beloved children, is MY arch design and Word. Encrusted into your DNA is MY will and to ME to cleave forever. For, for ME were ye created dear beloved children.

Yes, MY children, I delight, to see, to recall, to remember your works for ME, your sacrifices, all you have given and endured for MY sake, for MY Great NAME’S sake! HALLELU YAH! Remember children, endurance has great rewards before MY face. Endurance brings forth beautiful fruit for I your MASTER. It shapes and it moulds. It builds character. It instils MY patience. It aligns one more and more unto MY will.

MY children, I AM lovely in all MY ways. Ask MY children, and I shall give! Ask of your KING and I shall grant it! HALLELU YAH! I AM that I AM beloved children! I AM beautiful in every aspect! I bless and I curse. I build and break down. I plant and uproot. Every plant not planted by I, YEHOVAH, shall be uprooted! HALLELU YAH! Ye are ordained for victory in whatever you do and wherever ye go; I and MY SON YESHUA in you. HALLELU YAH!

Sing ME a song dear beloved little ones. Draw nigh unto your FATHER. Comfort I, YEHOVAH, with song and dance! Sing praises to the KING, I, YEHOVAH! For in you, MY children, is MY delight! HALLELU YAH!

End of Word

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