Prophecy 520 I, YESHUA Assemble with All of Heaven to Praise and Worship Our FATHER YEHOVAH
Updated: Apr 29, 2024
Given to Prophet שלמה for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on April 19, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 11 Nisan 5784
Prophetic Message
I, YESHUA assemble with all of Heaven to praise and worship YOU, Our FATHER YEHOVAH for though I AM highly exalted in the Heavens, YOU sent ME to earth that I should dwell among men. I sat among the tax collectors and the prostitutes on earth and MY people, children of MY FATHER YEHOVAH, I said they would enter in first, even before the Pharisees. I still sit among them, those whose sins have been forgiven. For now their righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees and scribes for it is righteousness given them by MY FATHER YEHOVAH.
I rejoice to dance among MY brethren.
Know this MY people for whom I was commanded to give MY life. It is all about the glory of the FATHER. ALL is for HIS glory and I lower MYSELF so all will know this and because of this MY FATHER highly exalts ME and has exalted ME.
Before YOU, FATHER YEHOVAH, I, YESHUA cast MY crown. For I came by YOUR command and if it was MY will, I would not have died for the world but YOUR will be done, for it compels ME, and transforms ME, for YOUR love is great.
I, YESHUA continue to transform to obtain the mind of MY FATHER YEHOVAH. I must be transformed. Transformation and ascension are forever for all those who come into the orbit of the FATHER. HIS upward pull takes the mind, body, spirit and soul from one height to another, from glory to greater glory.
But I, YESHUA warn you, MY churches, there is a saving, as one who escapes from fire but a destruction of rewards. Now it seems as nothing to most of MY brethren in this world. Because they do not see nor understand the loss but when, you churches, realize true wealth and the fullness of life that was missed for the temporary world or cares, then you will know what you have truly missed and lossed. MY FATHER YEHOVAH alone can wipe those tears from your eyes for you shall grieve deeply. Deeper than you can ever know now.
So live each day for the glory of Our FATHER, for HIS desire is to make full your joy.