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Prophecy 496 YEHOVAH Has Done Great and Wonderful Things Upon the Face of the Earth

Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on November 30, 2022 and December 1-5, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 6-11 Kislev, 5783

Prophetic Message


Beautifier of all things is YEHOVAH. HE is magnificent in all HIS ways. Indescribable in beauty – tiferet.

Worship at HIS feet ye HIS beautiful children! Adorn HIM with the praises of your hearts, little children! Clap your hands, give HIM glory! HE is the SALVATION of your souls. HE is the AUTHOR and FINISHER of your faith. Look to no other but to HE and HIS SON YESHUA! In UNISON have THEY redeemed you! The SON like FATHER, watching HIS every move, HIS every step so likewise did and came to save you here on Earth! HALLELU YAH!

YEHOVAH has done great and wonderful things upon the face of the Earth. The enemies cannot fathom HIS ways. They cannot search HIM out. HE is an enigma to them. A complex unsolvable puzzle. They are bamboozled. Yet, they have seen not what’s in store yet! They shall wail, they shall moan, when before them they see all that they’ve held dear fall to shambles. But a great deception sweeps over them. It’s a dark veil upon their eyes, a heavy blanket of slumber upon their minds, to lull them to sleep. That with the enemy, they may be consumed.

Deception children consumes. It brings a heaviness upon the mind, a lulling of the mind into slumber. Seeing and thinking straight are far removed from the person: man or woman. And it does hold one under its spell lest it be broken by the power of MY TRUTH that indeed sets one free. If they will but receive it. And so it happens for those that love the darkness and not the light, though the truth come, it does not set them free. For they do not behold it for what it is; a redemption, a light shining in a dark area, Salvation! The help that’s truly needed in the time of need! MY SON YESHUA. HE is MY truth. HE is HE that sets free. The SON of the HOUSE that sets free. For whom the SON sets free is free indeed! HALLELU YAH!

Yet for those who love the Light, what joyous welcome the Truth is! They are like calves let loose from the stalls! HALLELU YAH! They leap, and leap for joy for what The TRUTH does for them. And over these, deception loses its power, and cannot bring them again under subjugation unless willingly one does it.

Therefore, dear and beloved children, hold on to TRUTH always. You shall never go wrong. The works of the enemy shall have no power over you! Didn’t you see MY SON how HE held on to TRUTH when on Earth and the temptations of the devil, of the evil one, HE quashed? Yes, HE stood strong because of MY WORD. MY WORD to HIM and in it HE trusted, unmoved. Unwavering in HIS trust of ME, yes, I, YEHOVAH, was HE. Thus, HE accomplished all, finished all I had sent HIM to do. HALLELU YAH! Give glory to YEHOVAH MY NAME and THE NAME of YESHUA MY SON. HALLELU YAH!

MY loving commitment is always with you beloved children; now and forever more. Amen. Selah.

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