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Prophecy 495 My joy is always full!

Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on December 8, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, Kislev 14, 5783

Prophetic Message


I daily delight in you precious beloved children! My joy is always full! I am never lacking in it! It’s ever a beautiful day unto me. The glories and beauties of your FATHER, YEHOVAH. HE brings beautiful days and gives beauty for ashes. It’s ever a brighter day before HIM eternally.

HE is the LIGHT. HE is the positivity; our Energy and Strength, SUSTAINER of all things. Builder up of all. HE builds and HE tears down. HE constructs and sets HIS Master pieces in place. HE obscures them that they may not be seen for the glory that they possess, the glory that HE has bestowed upon them.

HE humbles the proud, those who think themselves something, are brought to nothing, to dust, to less than a speck of dust. HE is just. HE builds up and lifts up the humble. HE hears the cry of the downtrodden and their tears HE despises not. HE requites those who oppress them their evil upon their own heads if in pride they go on killing and destroying.

Children, fear not the adversary that is in the world. Fear not the wicked of the world. As it is written, they shall be brought to nothing. There’s no portion for them on this Earth. They lay down wind as treasures forgetting it is fleeting; a mere pipe dream. That when you think to clasp it in your hands, it slips through. Their portion is only in Sheol, in the valley of destruction. The light of day they shall not see, but yearning for it they shall. There is no rest for the wicked. Rest is only ordained for the Righteous in YEHOVAH. HALLELU YAH! Amen.

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