Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on January 15, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 5 Shevat 5784
Prophetic Message
Your appearances will change when I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY change and make all things new. But blood, the pure ways that I have made it, and designed it, remains forever. Does not MY word say the nations and tribes were gathered in Heaven? Think it is not MY business, oh mankind to restore pure blood?
You will see when I restore all things, how spiritual it ties into MY redemption plan for the Earth and in Heaven. For the day cometh when the Earth shall dwell above the Heavens for shall a King do any less for HIMSELF than to build bigger and better that HIS glory is seen before all? That is what I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY shall do for MYSELF, for MY glory.
I have always meant for the nations to have light but it to proceed forth from Israel. When men and women offer their lives to me I take a portion of their blood, and lay it upon the altar in Heaven. Think ye the blood of GOD, is the only blood that is offered? Yes for sins, cleansing, and redemption and it is only in MY blood but blood is meant to be offered by many even that of tribes and nations, pure and holy blood as before the fall but since blood became mixed and contaminated I, YEHOVAH receive only that which is a part of the tribes of Spiritual Israel. This is the order of the priesthood of MELCHIZEDEK. The tribes and nations will one day offer their blood for their nations and tribes for it will be blood with one mixture alone, and that is blood of GOD ALMIGHTY mixed with pure blood of a new mankind, the way I designed it to be from the beginning.
Blood is by nature an offering. For when a man or woman offers their lives to I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY, they offer their blood for life is in the blood. And this is why I, YEHOVAH hates murder, for not only do they destroy MY image, but they cause blood to spill out in a place that is not MY altar. And when I spill blood for blood spilt as in murder, then the Holy angels take that blood and life in the blood and it is made Holy unto ME. I take life in that blood and make new things.
Ultimately all blood and the life in the blood is MINE, for without I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY there is only death. But I know what I put in a man's blood and what work I choose to accomplish through the blood. Each of you MY children have written codes in your blood and as you complete your callings on Earth and offer your lives to ME, your blood shall be placed upon the altar and bring forth another part of the redemption plan, redemption for the soul and body (our blood is not for sin sacrifice, nor can it save but only accomplish our callings, all that the FATHER wills).