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Prophecy 475 For Who Can Create like I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY?

Given to Prophet  שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on February 2, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 23 Shevat 5784

Related Scripture

Ephesians   2:15   ESV  

[15] by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace.

Prophetic Message


The Two Witnesses shall be the greatest prophets I send to earth and I, YEHOVAH AM Prophecy, MY SON YESHUA is Prophecy. 

Why shall men die? Because they wish not to hear their words which are MY words. Many in the churches will have drawn near to the doctrines of antimashiach by that time of their prophesying. Woe to you prophets that harken not to the voices of the Two witnesses for will you do as Miriam and Aaron in speaking against those I have chosen? I, YEHOVAH said they are coming with even more destructive powers and they will not plead for men for the mercy is to hear them or swift wrath will come upon those that do not.

I tell you surely, the witnesses shall fight the rulers of the darkness of this Age. Together they are called Satan but there are seven rulers. Some you have heard of, and that Includes the ruler, the spirit of the air, Hades, Abbadon. When they approached MY throne in the book of Job they approached ME as one being combined. Did not MY SON YESHUA say that if Satan cast out Satan then his kingdom is divided? How can satan cast out satan? Because there is more than one ruler of the darkness. His Kingdom is referred to as ‘his’ kingdom because together they have become one against MY Kingdom. Hear oh Israel ELOHIM is ONE. Do you think the enemy would not counterfeit this? 

Surely I tell you, there is one reason I shall allow the beast, the antimashiach to kill them, MY Witnesses with a weapon they are preparing now that is by no means a simple earthly weapon but rather it is spiritual combined with the physical. It is because of who the antimashiach is. 

I, YEHOVAH have said the antimashiach comes not to counterfeit MY SON YESHUA for he is already doing this by those who he sends in MY SON’s Name. But when he comes, he shall counterfeit your FATHER and sit in the temple in claiming to be I, YEHOVAH the ALMIGHTY, the One who was, who is and who is to come. He will come counterfeiting MY plan to create a new mankind (Ephesians 2:15)

The antimashiach is the power of the air the generations of the heathen of this world have worshiped. The same counterfeit that I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY, had come down personally to Ezekiel to show him that MY people were worshiping between the porch and the altar. 

The antimashiach’s mark will forever and instantly damn the man or woman who takes it to an eternal condemnation. 

The antimashiach is the power of the air. He dwells in one of the Heavenlies. For he is already here in the body of his making. Yes using some of MY dust for who can create like I YEHOVEH ALMIGHTY? But he is here, death has taken a body and men cannot Iive who follow him. But remember this, who your FATHER YEHOVAH is, MY people, I shall deliver thee, those who call to ME. 

End of Word

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