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Prophecy 468 Enjoy The Journey as I Take You from Victory unto Victory!

Given to Prophet  אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on November 29, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 5 Kislev 5783

Prophetic Message


Beautiful AM I in all MY ways. HALLELU YAH! Amen. I clothe you in shalom. In swaddling clothes have I embraced you. Goodness and mercy have I shown you. MY beauty and MY goodness ye have seen. MY grace and MY mercy poured out overwhelmingly upon you.

I do know how to take care of babies, infants, children and even adults. All your needs, I know how to cater for. Through trials and endurance, I show you; I teach you. I fill you with MY grace and show you MY ways. That learning ye may learn and take up your FATHER’S business. Walking in HIS footsteps – pleasing unto HIM. HALLELU YAH!

You have a long way to go beloved children. But in ME you have to worry about nothing. Enjoy the walk with ME, the journey. Yes, see it as an adventure. An adventure with I the MOST-HIGH GOD, YEHOVAH is MY NAME HOLY and eternal. Enjoy the journey as I take you from victory unto victory! From glory unto glory! HALLELU YAH! In ME, is your goodness. In ME is your life – life eternal. And this I give unsparingly. I delight to give good gifts! Haven’t you noticed it yet MY children? O I do! HALLELU YAH! Give ME glory precious beloved children.

It’s MY works, MY delight! HALLELU YAH! Amen.

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