Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on February 3, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 24 Shevat 5784
Prophetic Message
Just as there are wars over debts on earth, so are there wars in the Heavenlies over the same. There is great division in the Kingdom of darkness as ruler fights against ruler but they also have covenants between them to wage war against the Kingdom of I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY.
But the time draweth near for this is a war they are losing. For when rain or strong wind cometh to one place, it is because it has moved on from another place. So are the rulers of the darkness of this Age coming to the Earth for they will be cast down from the Heavenlies. They are the great dragon, the ancient serpent called satan. Do you understand MY people what this means? Live by faith MY people for though evil seems to arise in the world, and wrath rises against Israel and against all MY children it is because the masters of the sons of rebellion, the rulers of the darkness, are being crushed by I, YEHOVAH the ALMIGHTY. A final chapter of this WAR cometh for MY word does not return to ME void.
Though the clouds cometh to cover the surface of the earth, remember MY people that I, YESHUA AM with thee till the end of the world. MY FATHER YEHOVAH’s light in ME shall never dim for I AM thy lamp in darkness.
Donald Trump shall be I, YESHUA's hands parting the clouds for a time, according to the will of MY FATHER, so the light of the sun can warm the Earth and brighten the hearts of MY brethren, MY FATHER'S children worldwide.
When the Two Witnesses are sent to the Earth, men and women will have been so much covered in darkness that they will have forgotten what light is. As I came into the world and the darkness comprehended not MY light, so will men not comprehend the light the Two witnesses shall bring. Oh world though you will hate them, and also many prophets shall despise them, if MY FATHER YEHOVAH did not send them, HE would have destroyed everything to the foundation, undone the Earth handed it over a Great Age of darkness but instead HE has planned for mankind to have a permanent dwelling on Earth.