Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on January 30, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 20 Shevat 5784
Prophetic Message
Listen oh world for behold I tell thee how the world was made, the history of the Creation of the Earth or will you not consider how you exist? And how much you have no control over your lives, your bodies, even your minds? For I show you in your lives you are as a leaf blown and carried by the wind and unless I gather thee into one place by the word of MY command, you disappear. I command the winds, and direct the fires of the wind where they should blow.
For even if you do not belong to I, YEHOVAH I test mankind still for behold there cometh a great testing upon the world and it is the mark of the beast. For think ye that I test MY children and not all mankind? For no, it begins with MY house and then ends with you who have refused ME or have still to know ME.
I give thee, world, opportunity to draw to your CREATOR for behold the world passes away. But I also say before the world is completely undone and made new, the flower of life passes away first. First vanishes the strength of youth and the old age cometh and then the breath returns to I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY who gave it and the soul stands before ME for judgment. I, YEHOVAH AM the beginning and the End. Consider, world, those words.
Do you not drift about in the wind, oh world, if you do not believe that I have created thee? And to MY children around this world, I have children in MY house and they are sheltered from wind as I have revealed to them their callings and purpose in MY Kingdom and who they were and where they are going. But to you, MY people around the world, the majority of you are also affected by the wind that blows about in life. Most do not know why I have sent you to Earth, and if you are saved, most do not know your roles in MY Kingdom, what they are called to do. This is often because it is considered insignificant by the world. Some of your callings are the care of animals, to touch souls through your janitorial duties, some through the playing of musical instruments, some to be fathers and mothers and good children, some to be a brother or a sister in MY Kingdom.
I, YEHOVAH the ALMIGHTY AM the GREAT SHEPHERD and I put MY sheep in pens as I need to or I let them out to graze in open pastures as I see fit. I lead MY sheep to still waters and fountains and streams and brooks and rivers. But I lead them.
MY two witnesses are coming to the churches first. The powers of the darkness of this Age behold MY temple being built, the temple of Salvation. They also build a temple but behold it is a temple defiled and full of the idols of the world. I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY AM not there, MY people. Choose which GOD you will serve.