Prophecy 457 I YEHOVAH Created All Things Beautiful In Its Time
Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on January 30, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 20 Shevat 5784
Prophetic Message
Sports are one of the great idols of this generation. How do you think soccer has become of the great idols of this world? Blood was spilt and offerings have been made. For think this is not also a part of the plan of the antimashiach? For the Hunger Games shall return to this world, and tournaments of blood and the peoples shall rejoice in the sight of blood, for such is the spirit of Cain.
The rich and powerful already watch such games in secret for they find no interest in the sports of the general public but where blood is spilt and money and power and position is gained this is their entertainment. For even war, they have made their wagers, great sums of money and blood of peoples and children.
Games and sports come from Heaven MY people, for I AM the ORIGINAL and the CREATOR but they serve MY will and purpose. They were created to unite and teach and bring forth MY love and joy and in them I, YEHOVAH would reveal MYSELF.
There are Heavenly games for children play, but above, not with folly, but on Earth, folly is indeed bound up in the heart of children. I, YEHOVAH give joy to the heart of all, unite, teach and reveal to MY children. FAMILY is MY NAME, FAMILY is the revelation of ECHAD.
Times are in MY hands, MY people and I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY have created all things beautiful in its time. Each time something is done in MY timing, I destroy a host of dark forces. Why do you think the antimashiach works so hard to throw things out of order and time on earth? The armies of the evil ones dwindle for I have brought such death and destruction to their camps. So they try to make up their numbers with the souls of men.
Behold the matrix, men and women are quickly becoming agents of his government, soldiers for his armies. Two can put tens of thousands to flight, both human and spiritual beings.