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Prophecy 449 Take Pleasure in I, YEHOVAH, As I Take Pleasure in You MY Jewels

Given to Prophet  אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven

Received on November 26, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 2 Kislev 5783

Prophetic Message


Rejoice in your FATHER YEHOVAH, your GOD and our GOD, and you shall be rich forever more. Riches and glory and honor and a goodly name shall be added unto you. Hallelu YAH! You are seated at MY right hand MY children enjoying MY pleasures. Take pleasure in I, YEHOVAH, as I take pleasure in you MY jewels, MY precious beloved children.

As ornaments upon a bride so are you to ME. As glory is to kings so are you to ME, MY children. Let not MY boasting come to nothing. Ye are who I say ye are. I AM the Manufacturer. As I want so it is. As I desire, as I design, so I see fit and that’s what goes.

Enter into MY realm MY children and be ye stayed there forever. I invite you into MY den. Into the KING’S chamber are you invited MY children. It is no small thing. Ye are servants to the KING. Ye attend to I, YEHOVAH, KING of All.

Enter ye MY gates. Let MY SON YESHUA lead the way. HE only leads to ME, I YEHOVAH. Hold MY hand MY children. Be not far from ME. For I show you, and I teach you how the enemy can take you so far from ME. Take you for a ride. A ride you never want to take. That’s why I say stick to ME. Stay in ME. In ME is shalom at all times – always. Embrace MY ways, all MY ways. Know the path I’ve set you upon is not one treaded upon by many. But overcomers and victors are ye MY children in MY NAME and the NAME of THE SON I LOVE, YESHUA your MASHIACH.

Embrace the beauty in MY KINGDOM. Lit and shining bright daily before you, I YEHOVAH. I AM beautiful in all MY ways. I embrace you MY children as the tango and lay a kiss on your foreheads. I caress you and fill you with MY love. O let MY love flow children! Let the love flow! Hallelu YAH!

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