Given to Prophet שלמה בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on January 16, 2024 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 6 Shevat 5784
Prophetic Message
Know this surely, wars in the middle east concern all the world, for there are alliances made that will thrust the nations into World War 3, soon. Israel is a trembling cup. Oh shake with fear oh world and let not your news media sedate you any longer with the sharp needles of their tongues for their tongues lull the world into sleep.
They come to kill, your news media, and I, YEHOVAH say I shall hold them accountable for the blood of many. For millions have fallen by bullets and bombs but tens of millions by the mouth of liars, the tongue of adders.
War, the destruction of mankind, for think it is not plan of the powers of darkness to bring forth their new version of mankind? Out with the old and in with the new. But they need the blood of many souls so see it true, war is also a great offering to the powers of darkness for blood spilt anywhere apart from MY altar is blood upon the altar of devils.
There isn't one nation on Earth that is not calculating the cost of war. Even the attacks against Israel that come from the left and the right are being all funded by the nations that hate Israel. Heaven follows money exchange on Earth for blood and blood debts are on the money and the love of money is the root of evil. Heaven follows blood and is precise to reward men and women in their lives and the end of it. Lebanon I shall cause thy great trees to fall upon thee.
Money emboldens the nations against Israel. The boldness of the nations against their CREATOR, I, YEHOVAH is not only because of money but also the one they believe to be their champion against their CREATOR. As it was in the days of Goliath, he shouts, defying the GOD of Israel.
For the new mankind, a beast, that which the evil ones make in their laboratories, shall have the physical strength and speed of Goliath. And their skin shall be as the armor that he wore.
Blood is as money in the spirit realm, it is a form of commerce and the more blood that is spilt the more the evil ones can carry out their plans. Even The plan of the antimashiach that no man can buy or sell without his mark, is less about money and more about blood. For when they take his mark, they will have offered their blood to him. The mark shall also have in it technology that shall be temporary homes for demons, small homes, nano, that shall be released into the blood of man, and mark them in the blood.
The antimashiach seeks to rewrite the code of man and call them according to his purposes. At the rewriting of this code in the blood, they will have damned their eternal souls to the eternal flames. It cannot be undone for I, YEHOVAH ALMIGHTY said the callings of mankind are without repentance, meaning once I have written it it is done. But if it is rewritten by changing their very nature, they are no longer mankind to ME and they cannot turn back to ME. It shall be as the days of Noah. Before the world was destroyed by water, mankind was so defiled in their blood they were no longer human. Only Noah and his family I could bring into the ark. Your names reveal your callings, MY people and all your names are written down on a kind of parchment and that is your blood.