Prophecy 436 MY Wisdom Is Manifested in All That I Do and I Say
Given to Prophet אברהם בן עזרא for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ELOHIM in Heaven
Received on November 21, 2022 in the year of our MASTER YEHOVAH, and HIS SON YESHUA, 27 Cheshvan 5783
Prophetic Message
MY Wisdom is manifested in all that I do and I say. MY Wisdom is manifested in the creation that I have made, in the children that I have born. MY works say it all. Some a mystery that cannot be fathomed yet and others in plain sight, overlooked, not yet revealed. I share MY joys with MY creation; with those who obey ME. Those who with baited breath await MY next move. Those who know I AM their being, their every breath they breath. I AM there all in all. Hallelu YAH! Give ME the glory all the Earth! The earth is full of MY glory!
I have made all things and they reveal who I AM. I have set MY Order in stone. I set Salvation, that none can be saved outside of MY Order. All falls within MY Order. That’s how all things endure. That’s how they endure before ME. All else, shall be consumed in MY wrath unimaginable! I AM absolutely Merciful but in MY wrath, after MY Judgment, none is any longer shown. That’s why MY SON YESHUA said to work it out with your accuser before you are handed over to the officer, to the judge, and you are cast in prison, and you will by no means get out till you’ve paid the last penny [Matthew 5:25]!
Therefore, hearken MY children, hearken all ye MY creation. MY children, let I pray thee, it be known to all creation MY works, MY words, MY works – My severity and MY goodness that none should take advantage of I YEHOVAH and MY graciousness. For many shall be sorry. But not for you MY children. Not if you hearken. But all would’ve been saved if they had just hearkened. All. But all do make their choices. All have their choices to be made. What will you choose this day MY children? I know what you have chosen. But do you? Be not as Kepha*, but truly cleave unto ME, and let ME give you the victory! Hallelu YAH! Amen.
End of Word
· This is before Kepha denied YESHUA his MASTER. He thought he had it right only later to realise his folly. Therefore, to truly cleave unto GOD.