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No weapon formed against thee shall prosper! | Heavenly Manna

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No weapon formed against thee shall prosper! | Heavenly Manna

    In THINE Fury THOU wilt dash asunder the hand of the hypocrite! Him wilt THOU cause to eat of his own stinking and putrid fruit. They that sow to the flesh shall reap rottenness. They that trust in the abominations of their hands shall perish by the SWORD. As swift as the eagle doth fly shall THINE Vengeance cut off them who devise snares to entrap the righteous. THOU wilt not leave THY flock to be made forever desolate. THOU wilt avenge the blood of THY saints and slay the wolves by the Rod of THINE All-Consuming Wrath!

THOU art jealous for they who flock to Zion in SPIRIT and in TRUTH! Yea, for the froward THOU hast reserved twisting brambles for to chain them in everlasting darkness! Cause not mine feet to enter into their path! Cause not mine heart to kindle THY Wrath! Let me be of an upright conversation that I might gain the KING’S Favor. Let my prayers come before HIM as a sweet-smelling savour. In HIS NAME do I pray, YAHUSHUA, for HE is my SAVIOUR!

O the troubles that await the sinful heart! Turn back now before it is too late! Turn back to thy MAKER, for HE will not at all acquit the reprobate! Turn back unto thy MAKER, for with HIM is Plenteous Grace! Hear ye this cry in the wilderness and forget not thy place! Thou art the created and HE, the CREATOR. HE hath brought thee forth into the earth for such a time as this.

Seek not to beguile the LORD, for HE cannot be deceived. Seek ye HIS Heart with prayer and fasting, and HIS Wrath thou wilt miss. Apply the BLOOD of MASHIACH to thy heart and thou wilt not be for the hiss, or in perpetual shame wilt thou wallow and in the pit exist. Thy life shall be turned to utter destruction and thy reputation made to cease. All thine earthly substance shall be given to another, causing him to increase.

Thou wilt never know that Land where there is only peace. Instead of richly garments, thou wilt be forever clothed in disease. So, turn back now and repent on bended knees! Confess thy sins to the FATHER and HIS SON, YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, receive. Turn with action unfeigned from thy many iniquities. YAHUSHUA hath shed HIS BLOOD through which cometh the FATHER’S tender-mercies!

O the goodness of YAHUVEH that awaiteth the repentant sinner! He shall be made to wear HIS SON’S Robe of Righteousness! He shall be made to abide in the Green Pastures! He shall be made to lie beside the Still Waters! Yea, THOU wilt not leave THY flock to the slaughter. O GOOD SHEPHERD, THOU hast ordained peace and good tidings unto them that wait upon THEE. THOU wilt overthrow the banshee and cut off the devourers of THY flock. They will not escape the damnation that is both real and alive! Though THOU camest as a lamb at first, THOU wilt not return as such. As a lion from its covert wilt THOU suddenly and in great fury arrive! THY Fury wilt upon the adversary light and touch!

Cause me to know my frailty, that I may the more in THY Salvation glory. Let not the weed of pride be sown into my heart. Let that which is only of THEE be in me growing. Let my soul be unto THEE bound and not made to depart! I cry unto THEE for deliverance and a new start! I seek THY Face, by the BLOOD of the LAMB, for I desire to know THY whole Heart. THOU hast sent forth THY SHKHINYAH GLORY for to me comfort. Thank YOU PRECIOUS IMMAYAH for helping me to have a good report. THOU hast granted me wisdom and drawn me to MESSIAH.

HE is my KING, my ROCK, and my SALVATION! In HIM do I trust, put my faith in, and love. HE hath made me complete, causing me to sit with YAHUVEH above! Though I sit in heavenly places, that does not make me a little god. HE alone is ELOHIM and I, HIS adopted son! Blessed be my MESSIAH LORD, for HE hath given me faith to this race run! By HIS BLOOD are we, with HIM, one! PRAISES and HONOR, BLESSINGS and MIGHT be unto the LORD GOD who ruleth the nations!!!

May THOU, LORD SUPREME, receive of our humble offerings. May YOU be blessed and THY NAME exalted! THOU hast washed us clean by the BLOOD of THY LAMB! For this we are grateful and do exceedingly rejoice! O BLESSED ONE, I love THEE!!! In YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH’S NAME, may this be upon the Blessed Wind unto THEE carried, AMEN!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!!!

Prophet Natan’EL

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