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Counting the Omer Day 21

Writer's picture: torahkeepertorahkeeper


Each day, one says the blessing:


Blessed are You, YEHOVAH our ELOHIM, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us concerning the counting of the Omer.

Today is twenty-first day of the Omer.

The Merciful One, may He bring forth the new Jerusalem, speedily in our days,  IN YESHUA's name AMEN

Omer Counting 21 days, which is three weeks of the Omer.

Day 21 Omer Reading:

Week 3 /Attribute 3 – Beauty/Harmony/Compassion (Tiferet)

We have completed 3 weeks counting to Shavuot

Sitting At The Feet Of Our Master YESHUA Ahavat ha Emet

Revelation 2:7 Those who have ears, let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the Messianic communities. To him winning the victory I will give the right to eat from the Tree of Life which is in YAH’s Gan-Eden.” Rev 2:11 Those who have ears, let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the Messianic communities. He who wins the victory will not be hurt at all by the second death.” Rev 2:17 Those who have ears, let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the Messianic communities. To him winning the victory I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone, on which is written a new name that nobody knows except the one receiving it.” ‘ 1 John 5:2 Here is how we know that we love YEHOVAH's children: when we love YEHOVAH, we also do what he commands. 1Jn 5:3 For loving YEHOVAH means obeying his commands. Moreover, his commands are not burdensome, 1Jn 5:4 because everything which has YEHOVAH as its Father overcomes the world. And this is what victoriously overcomes the world: our trust. 1Jn 5:5 Who does overcome the world if not the person who believes that YESHUA is the Son of YEHOVAH We are living in dangerous times, but he has called us to live victoriously through it all.

Now more then ever we must be diligent to…

Not forsake the assembling of ourselves together

Daily Pray His Word for Protection

Walk In Love

Watch What We Say

Read His Word Daily

Be Diligent to Obey Him in ALL Things

Learn To Hear His Voice for direction

Have Trust in His Promises to take care of us and our families

Stay out of Strife

Pray, Pray, Pray

Be Sober and Vigilant

Do Not Fear

Praise and Worship Him Daily

Stay Obedient to His Torah

Keep the Sabbath Holy

Be Holy as He Is Holy in all you say and do How to we abide under the shadow of His wings? read Psalm 91

We must stand in Faith and perseverance

We must live a life of obedience to His known will

We must live a life of humility, a life of selflessness, a walk that walks in the love of YEHOVAH and in His humility

We must divorce ourselves from the world and the things of the world

We must submit to HIM and His WORD

We must cleanse our souls from the love of the things of the world

Empty life of self

Get close to YEHOVAH through reading His Holy Torah/Word, Praise, Worship and Prayer Scriptures To Comfort You Healing Who You Are In Messiah YESHUA.

The safest place in the world is under the shadow of HIS wings. HE is saying to us today, we do not need to fear for what is going on around us, for He is with us. We do not have to be anxious, for HE is Our ELOHIM!

During these times of tribulation upon the earth HE has promised to strengthen us and help us and uphold us if we stay in union with HIM.


©2019 by Torah Keeper.

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