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~ Celebrate Hanukkah! The Festival of Lights ~


The Hanukkah lights are kindled every night of Hanukkah. The Maccabees chased away the forces of darkness with swords; we do it with light. The menorah is kindled after nightfall.

How to Light MENORAH:

1. Arrange the lights on the menorah. Ensure that there is enough oil, or that the candles are big enough, for the lights to burn until half an hour after nightfall (or, if lighting after nightfall, for one half hour). On the first night, set one candle to the far right of the menorah. On the following night, add a second light to the left of the first one, and then add one light each night of Hanukkah - moving from right to left.

2. Gather everyone in the house around the menorah.

3. Light the shamash candle. Then hold it in your right hand.

4. While standing, recite the appropriate blessings.

5. Light the candles. Each night, light the newest (left-most) candle first and continue lighting from left to right. (We add lights to the menorah from right to left, while we light from left to right.)

​The Menorah Blessings
Before lighting the Hanukkah candles, we thank GOD for giving us this special mitzvah, and for the incredible Hanukkah miracles:


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Baruch atah YEHOVAH Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b-mitzvotav, v-tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Hanukkah.
Baruch atah YEHOVAH Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, she-asah nisim la-avoteinu v-imoteinu ba- yamim ha-heim ba-z’man ha-zeh.

Blessed are You, YEHOVAH our GOD, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah light.
Blessed are You, YEHOVAH our GOD, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our forefathers in those days, at this time.

On the first night of Hanukkah, add the following blessing:


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Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, shehecheyanu v-ki’y’manu v-higianu la-z’man ha-zeh.


Blessed are You, YEHOVAH our GOD, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.


After you finish kindling the menorah lights, place the shamash candle in its designated place on the menorah. At this point it is traditional to sing Hanukkah hymns such as Haneirot Halalu and/or Maoz Tzur.





A Prayer of Dedication

A prayer of re-dedication to ALMIGHTY GOD YEHOVAH and YESHUA of ourselves as a Holy Temple of GOD.


Hanukkah Celebrations


The bible verses prove that YESHUA celebrated Hanukkah. But others feel they portray Him as being on the sidelines, looking on from a distance, from Solomon’s porch which was left standing from Solomon’s Temple.

Happy Last Day

Last night the hanukkiah (Hanukkah menorah) glowed with all eight lights representing the miracle of a single vial of oil lasting a full eight days.


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